• 1.1.0 7d9514abae

    jeddunk released this 2020-08-30 10:15:46 -04:00 | 17 commits to master since this release

    This is a big release with new features, many improvements and some nice QOL changes.

    • Improvements to search functionality:
      • New search algorithm.
      • A new window pops up if there is more than one possible result.
      • You can now press enter in the "Game..." text field to start a search.
    • New visual indicators:
      • Shows if CreamAPI DLL has been applied.
      • Shows if a configuration file exists.
    • If both steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll exist in a folder, they will both be patched, regardless which one has been selected.
    • List of languages is now hardcoded, which should fix the combobox not filling up properly.
    • You can now type while the language combobox is selected to filter the list of languages.