using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using auto_creamapi.Models; using auto_creamapi.Services; using auto_creamapi.Utils; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Win32; using MvvmCross.Commands; using MvvmCross.Navigation; using MvvmCross.ViewModels; namespace auto_creamapi.ViewModels { public class MainViewModel : MvxViewModel { private readonly ICacheService _cache; private readonly ICreamConfigService _config; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ICreamDllService _dll; private readonly IMvxNavigationService _navigationService; private int _appId; private bool _configExists; private ObservableCollection _dlcs; private bool _dllApplied; private string _dllPath; private bool _extraProtection; private string _gameName; private string _lang; private ObservableCollection _languages; //private readonly IDownloadCreamApiService _download; private bool _mainWindowEnabled; private bool _offline; private string _status; private bool _unlockAll; private bool _useSteamDb; private bool _ignoreUnknown; //private const string DlcRegexPattern = @"(?.*) *= *(?.*)"; public MainViewModel(ICacheService cache, ICreamConfigService config, ICreamDllService dll, IMvxNavigationService navigationService, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { _navigationService = navigationService; _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(); _cache = cache; _config = config; _dll = dll; //_download = download; } public override async void Prepare() { base.Prepare(); _config.Initialize(); var tasks = new List { _cache.Initialize() }; if (!File.Exists("steam_api.dll") | !File.Exists("steam_api64.dll")) tasks.Add(_navigationService.Navigate()); //tasks.Add(_navigationService.Navigate()); tasks.Add(_dll.Initialize()); await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); Languages = new ObservableCollection(Misc.DefaultLanguages); ResetForm(); UseSteamDb = true; MainWindowEnabled = true; Status = "Ready."; } // // COMMANDS // // public IMvxCommand OpenFileCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(OpenFile); public IMvxCommand SearchCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(async () => await Search().ConfigureAwait(false)); //Command(Search); public IMvxCommand GetListOfDlcCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(GetListOfDlc); public IMvxCommand SaveCommand => new MvxCommand(Save); public IMvxCommand ResetFormCommand => new MvxCommand(ResetForm); public IMvxCommand GoToForumThreadCommand => new MvxCommand(GoToForumThread); public IMvxCommand GoToSteamdbCommand => new MvxCommand(GoToSteamdb); // // ATTRIBUTES // // public bool MainWindowEnabled { get => _mainWindowEnabled; set { _mainWindowEnabled = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => MainWindowEnabled); } } public string DllPath { get => _dllPath; set { _dllPath = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => DllPath); } } public string GameName { get => _gameName; set { _gameName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => GameName); } } public int AppId { get => _appId; set { _appId = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => AppId); SetNameById(); } } public string Lang { get => _lang; set { _lang = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Lang); } } public bool Offline { get => _offline; set { _offline = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Offline); } } public bool ExtraProtection { get => _extraProtection; set { _extraProtection = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => ExtraProtection); } } public bool UnlockAll { get => _unlockAll; set { _unlockAll = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => UnlockAll); } } public bool UseSteamDb { get => _useSteamDb; set { _useSteamDb = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => UseSteamDb); } } public ObservableCollection Dlcs { get => _dlcs; set { _dlcs = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Dlcs); } } public bool DllApplied { get => _dllApplied; set { _dllApplied = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => DllApplied); } } public bool ConfigExists { get => _configExists; set { _configExists = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => ConfigExists); } } public string Status { get => _status; set { _status = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Status); } } public ObservableCollection Languages { get => _languages; set { _languages = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Languages); } } public bool IgnoreUnknown { get => _ignoreUnknown; set { _ignoreUnknown = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => IgnoreUnknown); } } private async Task OpenFile() { Status = "Waiting for file..."; var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "SteamAPI DLL|steam_api.dll;steam_api64.dll|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*", Multiselect = false, Title = "Select SteamAPI DLL..." }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var filePath = dialog.FileName; DllPath = filePath; var dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); if (dirPath != null) { _config.ReadFile(Path.Combine(dirPath, "cream_api.ini")); ResetForm(); _dll.TargetPath = dirPath; _dll.CheckIfDllExistsAtTarget(); CheckSetupStatus(); if (!ConfigExists) { var separator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var strings = new List(dirPath.Split(separator)); var index = strings.Contains("common") ? strings.FindIndex(x => x.Equals("common")) + 1 : -1; if (index == -1) index = strings.Contains("steamapps") ? strings.FindIndex(x => x.Equals("steamapps")) + 2 : -1; var s = index > -1 ? strings[index] : null; if (s != null) GameName = s; await Search().ConfigureAwait(false); // await GetListOfDlc().ConfigureAwait(false); } Status = "Ready."; } } else { Status = "File selection canceled."; } } private async Task Search() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GameName)) { var app = _cache.GetAppByName(GameName); if (app != null) { GameName = app.Name; AppId = app.AppId; } else { MainWindowEnabled = false; var navigate = _navigationService.Navigate, SteamApp>( _cache.GetListOfAppsByName(GameName)); await navigate.ConfigureAwait(false); var navigateResult = navigate.Result; if (navigateResult != null) { GameName = navigateResult.Name; AppId = navigateResult.AppId; } } // await GetListOfDlc().ConfigureAwait(false); } else { _logger.LogWarning("Empty game name, cannot initiate search!"); } MainWindowEnabled = true; } private async Task GetListOfDlc() { Status = "Trying to get DLC..."; if (AppId > 0) { var app = new SteamApp { AppId = AppId, Name = GameName }; var task = _cache.GetListOfDlc(app, UseSteamDb, IgnoreUnknown); MainWindowEnabled = false; var listOfDlc = await task.ConfigureAwait(false); if (task.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { listOfDlc.Sort((app1, app2) => app1.AppId.CompareTo(app2.AppId)); Dlcs = new ObservableCollection(listOfDlc); Status = $"Got DLC for AppID {AppId} (Count: {Dlcs.Count})"; } else { Status = $"Could not get DLC for AppID {AppId}"; } MainWindowEnabled = true; } else { Status = $"Could not get DLC for AppID {AppId}"; _logger.LogError("GetListOfDlc: Invalid AppID {AppId}", AppId); } } private void Save() { Status = "Saving..."; _config.SetConfigData( AppId, Lang, UnlockAll, ExtraProtection, Offline, Dlcs ); _config.SaveFile(); _dll.Save(); CheckSetupStatus(); Status = "Saving successful."; } private void ResetForm() { AppId = _config.Config.AppId; Lang = _config.Config.Language; UnlockAll = _config.Config.UnlockAll; ExtraProtection = _config.Config.ExtraProtection; Offline = _config.Config.ForceOffline; Dlcs = new ObservableCollection(_config.Config.DlcList); Status = "Changes have been reset."; } private void GoToForumThread() { Status = "Opening URL..."; if (AppId > 0) { var searchTerm = AppId; //$"{GameName.Replace(" ", "+")}+{appId}"; var destinationUrl = $"{searchTerm}&terms=any&fid[]=10&sf=firstpost&sr=topics&submit=Search"; var uri = new Uri(destinationUrl); var process = new ProcessStartInfo(uri.AbsoluteUri) { UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(process); } else { _logger.LogError("OpenURL: Invalid AppID {AppId}", AppId); Status = $"Could not open URL: Invalid AppID {AppId}"; } } private void GoToSteamdb() { Status = "Opening URL..."; if (AppId > 0) { var searchTerm = AppId; //$"{GameName.Replace(" ", "+")}+{appId}"; var destinationUrl = $"{searchTerm}/dlc/"; var uri = new Uri(destinationUrl); var process = new ProcessStartInfo(uri.AbsoluteUri) { UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(process); } else { _logger.LogError("OpenURL: Invalid AppID {AppId}", AppId); Status = $"Could not open URL: Invalid AppID {AppId}"; } } private void CheckSetupStatus() { DllApplied = _dll.CreamApiApplied(); ConfigExists = _config.ConfigExists(); } private void SetNameById() { if (_appId > 0) { var appById = _cache.GetAppById(_appId); GameName = appById != null ? appById.Name : ""; } else GameName = ""; } } }