using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using auto_creamapi.Model; using auto_creamapi.Utils; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace auto_creamapi { /// /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// public partial class MainWindow { private const string DefaultLangSelection = "english"; private static CacheModel _cacheModel; private static CreamConfigModel _configModel; private static CreamDllModel _dllModel; public MainWindow() { _cacheModel = CacheModel.Instance; _configModel = CreamConfigModel.Instance; _dllModel = CreamDllModel.Instance; InitializeComponent(); _cacheModel.Languages.ForEach(x => Lang.Items.Add(x)); Lang.SelectedItem = DefaultLangSelection; SteamDb.IsChecked = true; } /// /// Looks up the AppID of the specified game. /// /// /// private void Search_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var app = _cacheModel.GetAppByName(Game.Text); if (app != null) { AppId.Text = app.AppId.ToString(); } else { var listOfAppsByName = _cacheModel.GetListOfAppsByName(Game.Text); var searchWindow = new SearchResultWindow(listOfAppsByName); searchWindow.Show(); } } private void DllPath_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MyOpenFile(); } /// /// Opens a file chooser to select the path to steam_api(64).dll. /// /// /// private void OpenFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MyOpenFile(); } private void MyOpenFile() { var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "SteamAPI DLL|steam_api.dll;steam_api64.dll|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*", Multiselect = false, Title = "Select SteamAPI DLL..." }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { //Console.WriteLine(dialog.FileName); var filePath = dialog.FileName; DllPath.Text = filePath; var dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); if (dirPath != null) { _configModel.ReadFile(Path.Combine(dirPath, "cream_api.ini")); ResetFormData(); _dllModel.TargetPath = dirPath; _dllModel.CheckExistence(); CheckExistance(); } } } /// /// Gets a list of DLCs for the specified AppID. /// /// /// private async void GetListOfDlc_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (int.TryParse(AppId.Text, out var appId)) { if (appId > 0) { var app = new POCOs.App() {AppId = appId, Name = Game.Text}; var listOfDlc = await _cacheModel.GetListOfDlc(app, SteamDb.IsChecked != null && (bool) SteamDb.IsChecked); var result = ""; listOfDlc.Sort((app1, app2) => app1.AppId.CompareTo(app2.AppId)); listOfDlc.ForEach(x => result += $"{x.AppId}={x.Name}\n"); ListOfDlcs.Text = result; } else { MyLogger.Log.Error($"GetListOfDlc: Invalid AppID {appId}"); } } } /// /// Saves form data to cream_api.ini. /// /// /// private void Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _configModel.SetConfigData( Convert.ToInt32(AppId.Text), Lang.SelectedItem.ToString(), UnlockAll.IsChecked != null && (bool) UnlockAll.IsChecked, ExtraProtection.IsChecked != null && (bool) ExtraProtection.IsChecked, ForceOffline.IsChecked != null && (bool) ForceOffline.IsChecked, ListOfDlcs.Text ); _configModel.SaveFile(); _dllModel.Save(); CheckExistance(); } /// /// Resets form data. /// /// /// private void Reset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ResetFormData(); CheckExistance(); } /// /// Gets app name on id change /// /// /// private void AppId_OnTextChanged(object sender, KeyEventArgs keyEventArgs) { SetNameById(); } private void SetNameById() { if (int.TryParse(AppId.Text, out var appId)) { if (appId > 0) { var app = _cacheModel.GetAppById(appId); if (app != null) { Game.Text = app.Name; } else { MyLogger.Log.Error($"No app found for ID {appId}"); } } else { MyLogger.Log.Error($"SetNameById: Invalid AppID {appId}"); } } } private void ResetFormData() { AppId.Text = _configModel.Config.AppId.ToString(); Lang.SelectedItem = _configModel.Config.Language; UnlockAll.IsChecked = _configModel.Config.UnlockAll; // public bool UnlockAll; ExtraProtection.IsChecked = _configModel.Config.ExtraProtection; // public bool ExtraProtection; ForceOffline.IsChecked = _configModel.Config.ForceOffline; // public bool ForceOffline; // public Dictionary DlcList; var dlcListString = ""; if (_configModel.Config.DlcList.Count > 0) { foreach (var (id, name) in _configModel.Config.DlcList) { dlcListString += $"{id}={name},\n"; } } ListOfDlcs.Text = dlcListString; SetNameById(); } private void CheckExistance() { creamApiApplied.IsChecked = _dllModel.CreamApiApplied(); configExists.IsChecked = _configModel.ConfigExists(); } } }