using SteamStorefrontAPI; using SteamStorefrontAPI.Classes; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SteamStorefrontConsole { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Run(async () => await Examples()).Wait(); } static async Task Examples() { // Get details for SteamApp with ID 443790 SteamApp steamApp1 = await AppDetails.GetAsync(460810); // Get details for SteamApp with ID 443790 for region US SteamApp steamApp2 = await AppDetails.GetAsync(322330, "US"); // Get details for SteamApp with ID 443790 for region US with strings localized in german SteamApp steamApp3 = await AppDetails.GetAsync(322330, "US", "german"); // Get details for Package with ID 68179 for region PackageInfo package1 = await PackageDetails.GetAsync(68179); // Get details for Package with ID 68179 for region JP PackageInfo package2 = await PackageDetails.GetAsync(68179, "JP"); // Get a list of featured games FeaturedApps featured = await Featured.GetAsync(); // Get a list of featured games for region DE FeaturedApps featured2 = await Featured.GetAsync("DE"); // Get a list of featured games for region DE localized in english FeaturedApps featured3 = await Featured.GetAsync("DE", "english"); // Get a list of featured games grouped by category List featuredCategories = await FeaturedCategories.GetAsync(); // Get a list of featured games grouped by category for region US List featuredCategories2 = await FeaturedCategories.GetAsync("DE"); } } }