using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using GoldbergGUI.Core.Models; using GoldbergGUI.Core.Services; using Microsoft.Win32; using MvvmCross.Commands; using MvvmCross.Logging; using MvvmCross.Navigation; using MvvmCross.ViewModels; namespace GoldbergGUI.Core.ViewModels { // ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global public class MainViewModel : MvxViewModel { private readonly IMvxNavigationService _navigationService; private string _dllPath; private string _gameName; private int _appId; //private SteamApp _currentGame; private ObservableCollection _dlcs; private string _accountName; private long _steamId; private bool _offline; private bool _disableNetworking; private bool _disableOverlay; private readonly ISteamService _steam; private readonly IGoldbergService _goldberg; private readonly IMvxLog _log; private bool _mainWindowEnabled; private bool _goldbergApplied; private ObservableCollection _steamLanguages; private string _selectedLanguage; private readonly IMvxLogProvider _logProvider; public MainViewModel(ISteamService steam, IGoldbergService goldberg, IMvxLogProvider logProvider, IMvxNavigationService navigationService) { _steam = steam; _goldberg = goldberg; _logProvider = logProvider; _log = logProvider.GetLogFor(); _navigationService = navigationService; } public override void Prepare() { base.Prepare(); Task.Run(async () => { //var errorDuringInit = false; MainWindowEnabled = false; try { SteamLanguages = new ObservableCollection(_goldberg.Languages()); ResetForm(); await _steam.Initialize(_logProvider.GetLogFor()).ConfigureAwait(false); var (accountName, userSteamId, language) = await _goldberg.Initialize(_logProvider.GetLogFor()).ConfigureAwait(false); AccountName = accountName; SteamId = userSteamId; SelectedLanguage = language; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; //errorDuringInit = true; } MainWindowEnabled = true; }); } public override async Task Initialize() { await base.Initialize().ConfigureAwait(false); } // PROPERTIES // public string DllPath { get => _dllPath; private set { _dllPath = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => DllPath); } } public string GameName { get => _gameName; set { _gameName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => GameName); } } public int AppId { get => _appId; set { _appId = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => AppId); Task.Run(async () => await GetNameById().ConfigureAwait(false)); } } // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public ObservableCollection DLCs { get => _dlcs; set { _dlcs = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => DLCs); RaisePropertyChanged(() => DllSelected); RaisePropertyChanged(() => SteamInterfacesTxtExists); } } public string AccountName { get => _accountName; set { _accountName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => AccountName); } } public long SteamId { get => _steamId; set { _steamId = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => SteamId); } } public bool Offline { get => _offline; set { _offline = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Offline); } } public bool DisableNetworking { get => _disableNetworking; set { _disableNetworking = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => DisableNetworking); } } public bool DisableOverlay { get => _disableOverlay; set { _disableOverlay = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => DisableOverlay); } } public bool MainWindowEnabled { get => _mainWindowEnabled; set { _mainWindowEnabled = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => MainWindowEnabled); } } public bool GoldbergApplied { get => _goldbergApplied; set { _goldbergApplied = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => GoldbergApplied); } } public bool SteamInterfacesTxtExists { get { var dllPathDirExists = GetDllPathDir(out var dirPath); return dllPathDirExists && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(dirPath, "steam_interfaces.txt")); } } public bool DllSelected => !DllPath.Contains("Path to game's steam_api(64).dll"); public ObservableCollection SteamLanguages { get => _steamLanguages; set { _steamLanguages = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => SteamLanguages); } } public string SelectedLanguage { get => _selectedLanguage; set { _selectedLanguage = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedLanguage); //MyLogger.Log.Debug($"Lang: {value}"); } } // COMMANDS // public IMvxCommand OpenFileCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(OpenFile); private async Task OpenFile() { var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "SteamAPI DLL|steam_api.dll;steam_api64.dll|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*", Multiselect = false, Title = "Select SteamAPI DLL..." }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() != true) { _log.Warn("File selection canceled."); return; } DllPath = dialog.FileName; await ReadConfig().ConfigureAwait(false); } public IMvxCommand FindIdCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(FindId); private async Task FindId() { if (GameName.Contains("Game name...")) { _log.Error("No game name entered!"); return; } MainWindowEnabled = false; var appByName = _steam.GetAppByName(_gameName); if (appByName != null) { GameName = appByName.Name; AppId = appByName.AppId; } else { var list = _steam.GetListOfAppsByName(GameName); var steamApps = list as SteamApp[] ?? list.ToArray(); if (steamApps.Length == 1) { GameName = steamApps[0].Name; AppId = steamApps[0].AppId; } else { var navigateTask = _navigationService .Navigate, SteamApp>(steamApps); var navigateResult = await navigateTask.ConfigureAwait(false); if (navigateResult != null) { GameName = navigateResult.Name; AppId = navigateResult.AppId; } } } MainWindowEnabled = true; } //public IMvxCommand GetNameByIdCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(GetNameById); private async Task GetNameById() { if (AppId <= 0) { _log.Error("Invalid Steam App!"); return; } var steamApp = await Task.Run(() => _steam.GetAppById(AppId)).ConfigureAwait(false); if (steamApp != null) GameName = steamApp.Name; } public IMvxCommand GetListOfDlcCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(GetListOfDlc); private async Task GetListOfDlc() { if (AppId <= 0) { _log.Error("Invalid Steam App!"); return; } MainWindowEnabled = false; var listOfDlc = await _steam.GetListOfDlc(new SteamApp {AppId = AppId, Name = GameName}, true) .ConfigureAwait(false); DLCs = new MvxObservableCollection(listOfDlc); MainWindowEnabled = true; } public IMvxCommand SaveConfigCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(SaveConfig); private async Task SaveConfig() { await _goldberg.SetGlobalSettings(AccountName, SteamId, SelectedLanguage).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!DllSelected) { _log.Error("No DLL selected!"); return; } _log.Info("Saving..."); if (!GetDllPathDir(out var dirPath)) return; MainWindowEnabled = false; await _goldberg.Save(dirPath, new GoldbergConfiguration { AppId = AppId, DlcList = DLCs.ToList(), Offline = Offline, DisableNetworking = DisableNetworking, DisableOverlay = DisableOverlay } ).ConfigureAwait(false); GoldbergApplied = _goldberg.GoldbergApplied(dirPath); MainWindowEnabled = true; } public IMvxCommand ResetConfigCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(ResetConfig); private async Task ResetConfig() { (AccountName, SteamId, SelectedLanguage) = await _goldberg.GetGlobalSettings().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!DllSelected) { _log.Error("No DLL selected!"); return; } _log.Info("Reset form..."); MainWindowEnabled = false; await ReadConfig().ConfigureAwait(false); MainWindowEnabled = true; } public IMvxCommand GenerateSteamInterfacesCommand => new MvxAsyncCommand(GenerateSteamInterfaces); private async Task GenerateSteamInterfaces() { if (!DllSelected) { _log.Error("No DLL selected!"); return; } _log.Info("Generate steam_interfaces.txt..."); MainWindowEnabled = false; GetDllPathDir(out var dirPath); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(dirPath, "steam_api_o.dll"))) await _goldberg.GenerateInterfacesFile(Path.Combine(dirPath, "steam_api_o.dll")).ConfigureAwait(false); else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(dirPath, "steam_api64_o.dll"))) await _goldberg.GenerateInterfacesFile(Path.Combine(dirPath, "steam_api64_o.dll")) .ConfigureAwait(false); else await _goldberg.GenerateInterfacesFile(DllPath).ConfigureAwait(false); await RaisePropertyChanged(() => SteamInterfacesTxtExists).ConfigureAwait(false); MainWindowEnabled = true; } // OTHER METHODS // private void ResetForm() { DllPath = "Path to game's steam_api(64).dll..."; GameName = "Game name..."; AppId = -1; DLCs = new ObservableCollection(); AccountName = "Account name..."; SteamId = -1; Offline = false; DisableNetworking = false; DisableOverlay = false; } private async Task ReadConfig() { if (!GetDllPathDir(out var dirPath)) return; MainWindowEnabled = false; var config = await _goldberg.Read(dirPath).ConfigureAwait(false); SetFormFromConfig(config); GoldbergApplied = _goldberg.GoldbergApplied(dirPath); await RaisePropertyChanged(() => SteamInterfacesTxtExists).ConfigureAwait(false); MainWindowEnabled = true; } private void SetFormFromConfig(GoldbergConfiguration config) { AppId = config.AppId; DLCs = new ObservableCollection(config.DlcList); Offline = config.Offline; DisableNetworking = config.DisableNetworking; DisableOverlay = config.DisableOverlay; } private bool GetDllPathDir(out string dirPath) { if (!DllSelected) { _log.Error("No DLL selected!"); dirPath = null; return false; } dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(DllPath); if (dirPath != null) return true; _log.Error($"Invalid directory for {DllPath}."); return false; } } }